Holy Spirit Inspiration


    Holy Spirit Inspiration

Obedience. I've begun to explore more deeply what that word means and why our God asks it of us so often in the Bible.

I was not satisfied with the quick search I did of the word, that I found myself searching for the Biblical definition of 'obedience'. I found the following: "The Holman's Bible Dictionary defines obedience as "to hear Gods word and act accordingly."

That's the best way I can explain why I am undertaking this new Blog. I believe I have been called to share certain insights as well as people's testimonies and stories of how the Lord has moved in their lives.

I believe the stories that will be shared on this blog will serve as a source of strength in helping people understand God in a more intimate way. To make His love feel real and tangible through hearing about the ways He has impacted these people's lives.

I hope you'll journey with me as we read and hear about the amazing ways our God is present in our lives.

May God Bless you and the Peace of Christ surround you.

- A


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