The Lord is Merciful
The Lord is Merciful
Mercy. "In the Bible, God’s mercy means His pity, compassion, and kindness toward people. His mercy shows up in the believer’s life at salvation, and then God continues to show mercy in forgiveness. Mercy triumphs over judgment".
I love that last line. It stirs up so much joy and hope for me. As a mother, that would definitely be how I would want my son to see our relationship. That when he was in the wrong, I used it as a teachable moment and an opportunity to demonstrate forgiveness, compassion and kindness rather than to condemn or scold.
While praying for clarity about what the Lord wanted to convey, I landed on the topic of mercy. I really believe it is mercy that God shows us when He not only answers our prayer but He lets us realize it as well.
I recently watched a lady (Kim) read Acts 6&7 and give insights about the death of Stephen, the first martyr. She specifically pointed out Acts 7:56:
“Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”
She mentioned how normally when we read about Jesus being described at the right hand of God, it mentions He is seated. But in this instance, when God opened the heavens to allow Stephen to see Him, just before his death, Jesus was standing there as if to say I see you. I am with you. I am watching all the time and I will never leave you. This was such immense mercy the Lord showed Stephen because of how much God loved him.
Below, I share a bit of the insight from Kim as well as a short testimony of Naga, a young boy who grew up in a Hindu family who found Jesus and is now living out that journey. His desire to know the Lord has led the Lord to bless him so abundantly that Naga is now helping other 'hidden Christians' in Hindu and Muslim families.
I was drawn to Naga's testimony and page 'Hidden Christians' because of my husband and his family who are slowly growing in their understanding of God. I'm so encouraged by him and have spoken to him directly about a question I had and was so appreciative of his response. He makes amazing videos and I encourage you to check them out.
I hope you enjoy hearing Kim's reading and interpretation and Naga's quick testimony. Please pray for both of them.
Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Luke 6:36
May God Bless you and the Peace of Christ surround you.
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